Monday, November 7, 2016


Assalamualaikum and Hi to everyone who is reading my blog (kalau ada la..) so yeah, I've finished my diploma. Not really, since I still have to face the practicals and all but no more class, assignments, work group, final year project.. I couldn't be happier. But still, it kinda sad tho. I've always thinking that I can't wait to finished my dips since I was in 1st semester, and pooffff! There you go, as you wish... 

No more lectures, no more works, no more friends, no more having fun in a diffrent state, no more being in UiTM Pasir Gudang... I feel glad but at the same time.. I'm sad... I will miss my dips life, friends I've made, the surroundings and yeah everything there. But life is always about moving on.. so you have to. 

So, I wanted to share my experiences throughout this 2 and a half years hehe. Okay, so my first semester.... was a disaster at the beginning. During orientation week, or we called it as Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS) *I even googled it because i don't remember what does MDS stands for wahaha* anyways, that one whole week was just a nightmare for me. okay siapa yang pernah merasa benda ni mesti tahu... Plus, In wasn't wanted to go to uitm at that time because i was hoping to go to uia. Pastu uitm jauh nak mampusss. After my family said goodbye to me, and i was like banjir already, jengggg the nightmares begin. 

(My room during 1st semester) 

Everyday we only manage to sleep for like 2 or 3 hours only and what would you expect? We're like zombies. Well especially me. Why? Because, I am so gloomy and sad I don/t even want to make friends with anyone.. I just kinda main sauk je siapa yang ada hahaha tak ada masa nak bergang gang because I hate everything. Every night I would call my dad and cried like crazy, even though the telephone service was like ughhh. Okay long story short, on the fifth or fourth day if i'm not mistaken, my dad asked my aunt to fetch me and bring me back home hahaha. So I don't really finished my MDS, who cares?

When I come back to uitm, I cried again and had a major homesick haih.. but as the time goes by... everything is okay.. until this one day. I actually had made sort of appeal letter to uia back then, and I was accepted. But then, I didn't go there. I was really confused at first and at last I followed what heart said and yeah I made it! Alhamdulillah.. 

(My roommate for 3 straight semester everybody!) 

My lovely housemates. I love you guys so much!

Girsl in my class (originally)

And then, only both of us left...

My bestfriend aka my braces boy bhahaha. 

Okay those were my early experiences at uitm Pasir Gudang (semester 1 - semester 3 I guess) Ohhh! during semester break for sem 3, me and my friends went to Melaka for one day trip hehe and we also did some birthday surprises there. Sweet memory! 
Happy Birthday Best friend! 

Okay and then everything went well~ And I'm gettin' fatter day by day huh. So lets jump to the 5th semester. Okay starting from here, I don't live in college anymore. I am currently, a Non-Residence student. At first, I didn't like it because it cost me a lot. Tapi takpa apa boleh buat but I did enjoyed it in the end. Since this was my last semester here in uitm (before practicals) so I'm practically dying because of tons of projects, lab, assignments and what not. A LOT of group works seriously. Sometimes I got confused with whom or which group members was in my group? Tapi alhamdulillah.. hehe. 

Okay introducing you... *drum rolls* with the most successful entrepreneur in the world!  

from upper left: Financial Manager, Assistant Manager, Operational Manager.
from down, left: Beautiful Administration Manager (hihi), General Manager, Marketing Manager. 

photo was taken after our presentation day fuhhh lega dia takda siapa yang tahu k. 

Okay another big tasks for the 5th semester's students, obviously, The Final Year Project *said it creepily* or also known as FYP. Demmit it is not easy. Seriously this one was the most stressful, tiring project ever.Since I'm the only gal, so I took the reports part and all those building whatever the hell it is I gave it to le boyzz. Okay our machine is called A food container sealing Machine. (kuih raya's container) okay taknak cerita lebih yang penting machine siap and function hahaha. 

From left: Lurima, Ambok, Ainul and mehhh.

Thhese photos below was taken on the last day of our lectures/class session and it was also our last peresentation ever. Thanks teammate! You guys rock!

from left: Ainul, me, kemong, bella and Ed.

Where else can I find a bunch of people like them.. crazy little people :>

And thats it! whats left is just examinations.. We only had like 4 papers for finals. so yeah banyak main main during the gap hahaha. We go to the library to studies and all.. (for 5 mins and then use uitm's wifi till evening gahaha) no seriously, the last 2 or 3 days before the real exam, hah thats the time when I start study like really focus on study haha. 

After the last paper (which is the most !@#$%^&*) so yeah we took a picture huhu. No more pergi cafe everyday before going to the library and no more hi tea makan goreng pisang, bakso everyday... Aihhh bestnyaaaa rindunyaaaa. 

See, I told ya. We played a lot. 
yeay muka happy dah habis paper!

J4EM110A ni je yang tinggal masa ni yang lain dah balik habis paper awal. 
(I've set this as my desktop)

Goodbye guys. See you when I see you~ 

Okay.. so I stayed at JB for like a week because I wanted to explore more before I go back to KL. So yeah bye bye moneyyyy. 

 Had a wonderful day at Austin Height Water Theme Park. 
(Ahhhhh I miss it already T^T)

We also went to the Zoo. Haha ywah funny. We are kids so what haha. 

There are 4 monkeys watching monkey. Fascinating isn't? Hehe.

Okay this is Tanjung Puteri Resort. It has a nicest view of the beach and Singapore.

Next I also went to Kota Tinggi which famous for its Waterfalls. Damnnn its so great. Another best day I've ever had in my life! 

Me with le best friend. See that waterfalls.. I feel like
I wanted to soak my entire body in it. Its so cold!

Had a lot of fun with these guys hehe. 
(from left: Epul, Sazwa, Khairy, le best friend, Khairy's gf & me) 

After that waterfalls, me and my best friend went to window shopping.
Oh, at Daiso. gagagaga :'>

This is my roommate during the 5th semester, Byeeee Sazwa... or I called her Wa. Hehe. 

After that, we go eat sushiiiii. 
Because sushi iz great and i lahv it. 

I didn't realize that I've went to quite a lot of places.. Especially on the last day.. I tried so hard to use it to the fullest and I don't want it to be wasted. Despite all of the problems that me and best friend had to faced, but yeah, we still made it the best day ever for us! The next day, is a goodbye day. Well actually I didn't left JB yet since my family comes and we spent like 2 days at JB. But yeah best friend is going back home.... so.... :'<

Last picture of him while we were having our lunch.
(And he gave me some of his chickens.. parts that I like haha)

And then my parents came to fetch me at my rent house and yup thats it~ thats a real goodbye that we've always been talking and imagining about. At first, it was kind of sad all the time haha but then I think times will heal and I will get use to it, hopefully. 

I think I've wrote too much hahaha this took me since the afternoon until 9 pm to complete this one post hahaha. Okay I think thats it for now. Wish you all the best and thank you for reading.. (if there is any) :D Assalamualaikum!

Image result for cute cat waving cartoon
(yeah lets get excited!!!)

Thank you so much :D -Aina Balqis