Thursday, February 25, 2016


Hiiiiiiii *cough cough* Acchhoooo (insert sneezing emoji). Maigod, i think i need to vaccum this blog since I only update it once or twice a year only aaaaa poor little bloggie T^T okay so i'm going to compose a post hehehhehe *kind of excited* but but, was wondering... is there anyone who still reading my blog? (bajet cam ada peminat je heh lol) k takpa lets proceed hehehe.

Hi again.. hows life going? i hope everybody are going through a good life~ actually i almost totally forgot about this blog hehe, but fortunately someone close to me googled about me (just for fun) so yeah this blog popped up! The funny thing is, my mom's blog also did appear there hahaha and her last post was like 8 FREAKIN' YEARS AGO. And i was like 12 years old only at that time. CURRENTLY I'M 20 (unofficially). My mom post about our family holiday and our family background. Yep, she only posted 2 freakin' posts hahaha funny mama :'D and my face at that time HAHAHA. Never mind, my face is always funny anyways. 

(this is practically me...)

By the way, I'm in my 4th semester now, yeehaa! It was just like 1 and a half month left onlyyyy i can't wait for my semester break yezzaaa!!!!! okay okay, so sorry for the over excitement ahaha. BUTTT!!! (buttt = tapi. not butt ok plis) I'm so so so scared of my upcoming test(s), project presentations, and my final exam. Hell yes, for this semester i got many projects like seriously... why so many... why you have to burden us, students with these bloody projects T^T but yeah still need to face it haihhhh. Please cepatlah habissss. Then, i can hibernate weeee. Next year i will be doing my practicle, just speaking of it already makes me feel.... scared :< Then, i'll be doing my degree maigoddd. (for those who are taking diploma, its okay if you are a lil bit behind compared to those who are taking foundation/matriks. Believes me, you gain more experience. seriously you had nothing to lose hehe)

I have much more to say but yeah lets just keep the negative things away from my cute post this time hehe. (because of the images my post looks very cute \(^O^)/
I guess thats all from me. Me want to sleep hehe (taklah, tipu je) so see you next time! (if theres someone who's reading this) Bye bye~ Assalamualaikum :>

Thank you so much :D -Aina Balqis